# CSGOConsole June Update
It's been a busy month after our launch in which we've been working on both adding content and functionality to the site.
# CFG Generator
We added a CFG Generator to the site. So, how does this work exactly? Just navigate over the command pages or the bind page.
You'll see a new button similar to that of the copy button in the bind and commands pages.
You can use this button to import the commands into the generator. To view the generator you can click on the floating circle in the bottom of the page to display the popup.
From here you can edit the keys in the binds and the values for the commands. Once your'e done you can export them in console format for a quick copy-paste, or in CFG format to save them neatly in your autoexec.
# Homepage Redesign
As more and more content gets added, its important for us that users can access that content easily.
To achieve this we believe that the current homepage will make the site more usable for everyone, making content easier to find and access.
The current design is susceptible to some minor changes, but the current structure is what we'll use going forward.